hand gazer
Melissa stares at her hands, looking for inspiration.
Melissa makes – well, remakes – a work. Lucky it looks good, otherwise she’d be wondering if it was all worth it…
effort less
Melissa is slapped down by the soldering gods. Licking her wounds, she strategizes how she might improve her performance tomorrow.
self sourcing
Melissa buys titanium, and calls it a successful day. Lazy? No, not exactly… Relaxed? Maybe…
way down in the hole
Melissa whines about adding centre points to 1500, 0.5mm diameter holes. No sympathy please, it was her idea in the first place.
boxing clever
Melissa gets a mysterious box in the mail, and opens it…
black and night
Melissa did a workshop with Bettina Speckner in 2009. She shares now? Ulterior motive afoot? Read on…
vale mari funaki
Melbourne loses a jewellery luminary
on the intertubes
Melissa Online! Now more Online!
preziosa young
Melissa’s upcoming opening: Preziosa Young, Florence. This time she’s not going. Awww, poor she.