steal this!
Part B is having a show!
it’s official!
Melissa is in the Love Lace show at the Powerhouse Museum next year, along with a bunch of great artists. (She’s now officially allowed to say it 😉 )
Melissa’s work is touring again – it’s seen more of the east coast than her!
where do you go?
Name your sources! Melissa just did…
let them eat… cupcakes!
Melissa is once again spruiking cupcakes… Again in honour of the closing of a show.
anchors away!!
Melissa’s work Alternate Strung Anchors features on The Box Project invitations. Not very amusing, but factual, yes?
to the streets
Melissa shares some more clever ways to get art into the world.
part b: in haiku
Melissa bangs on about this week’s Part B meet – in the form of a haiku!
Melissa hangs out with 4 other Everyday artists. (Inari, where are you???!!!)
free press is good press
Melissa finally shares some images of works to feature in the upcoming Everyday Objects show…