Category: dialogue

  • On the horizon…

    On the horizon…

    It may look like a clean slate, but it’s the incoming traffic just above the horizon line that’s widening eyes and setting my little duck-legs to paddlin’. March: Heading to Munich for the jewellery-obsessive’s most favoured/feared hang, Munich Jewellery Week. No, I’m not in the IHM’s one and only Schmuck exhibition this year (but great…

  • MC and HO meet BKK at AG

    In between appearing at conferences – IOTA 24 in September and JMGA in October – (more on those soonish!) I went to Thailand for the first time, thanks to an invitation to exhibit at Atta Gallery in one of IOTA‘s first international exhibits. Handily, ceramic artist Holly O’Meehan and I managed to earn a grant,…

  • Banner and Badge

    Banner and Badge

    Please come to my solo exhibition! 5 October – 11 October Mon – Sun: 10am – 4pm Exhibition Opening: 4 October, 6pm – 8pm Talk with Kaori Juzu (JPN/DK): 6 October, 2.30pm – 3.30pm PS Art Space 22 Pakenham StreetFremantle, Western Australia 6160 A solo exhibition by jeweller and public artist Melissa Cameron, presenting her…

  • JMGA Conference 2024 – registrations are open!

    JMGA Conference 2024 – registrations are open!

    book online now! Announcing the 19th Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Australia Conference Saturday October 5th, 2024WA Maritime Museum,Victoria Quay Road, Walyalup/Fremantle The JMGA Conference Committee are pleased to announce the details of the upcoming biennial Conference. Taking place at the WA Maritime Museum, just outside of Boorloo/Perth, in Walyalup/Fremantle, this famed biennial event returns…

  • … is this thing on?

    … is this thing on?

    If you’re in touch with the complaints department, please tell them this year is going too fast, and explain that I’ve been a little more on the d/l of late due to illness/injury, and I’d like both of these conditions rectified asap. OK? In more interesting news, I can heartily recommend an article from the…

  • Er Pavilion

    Er Pavilion

    The Er Pavilion, featuring the work rapidly closing window… #3/ Ngarngk has one more week left to run in Walyalup (Fremantle)! It’s located by the J Shed Artist Studios and next to Bathers Beach. There are sill a few events to take place at the Pavilion, most notably the talks this Thursday Night and more…

  • NYCJW – Sarah Elson + Melissa Cameron

    NYCJW – Sarah Elson + Melissa Cameron

    The talk I recently recorded for New York City Jewelry Week goes live on their YouTube Channel this week. It’ll be up on Thursday New York time, so Friday here in Aus, and for most of the rest of you, somewhere in between! It’s a long and involved one-sided conversation so if you have any…

  • My article in Autor 2022

    My article in Autor 2022

    I forgot to mention, I wrote an article! I kinda did it by accident (longtime readers may remember the story, but I never revealed the piece before) when Autor magazine asked for photos and comments about ‘failure’. I cribbed from my blog post, did a rewrite to include thoughts that have come to me in…

  • Visual Arts Voice

    Hiya to all my Aussie artists. I’m a little late to this party, but since there’s still a few days for us all to act I thought I’d add my voice. The federal govt. is preparing a national cultural policy, and a few local orgs are pestering artists to make a submission. To that end,…

  • Garland x Ring Smackdown!

    Garland x Ring Smackdown!

    Added to my series of Instagram posts recently made for Garland Magazine was a post so big it also became an article! The Battle of the Rings (or Ring Smackdown as it’s otherwise known) is a competition run by Danaca Design jewellery studio in Seattle. This now annual competition was started in 2020 as a…