Bellevue Arts Museum Biennial – Metalmorphosis
The Bam Biennial starts next week – see you at the opening!
Melissa is in an upcoming show about guns – this one not of her own making. The irrepressible Boris Bally is in charge, and he’s Kickstarting the catalogue RIGHT NOW!
Anna Davern comes to Seattle. Somehow Melissa is involved…?
Blogging on blogging, and making on making
Some interesting writin’/readin’ are set out for your review/avoidance.
5 true facts!
Metalsmith Magazine y’all. It’s a doozy!
Nadia Myre and Sheryl Oring
Nadia Myre and Sheryl Oring – images used without permission, please contact me should you want them taken down.
Intimate Immensities
Garland. A new magazine, and I have a hard copy, and I’m in the online exhibition
I heart Asheville / Melissa does SNAGnext 2016
I’m speaking at SNAGnext, and I’ll be involved in a show at Penland, and I’ll be in the trunk show..!
Meanwhile, on the AJF website…
More writing, by me, and by others, available elsewhere…
a kinda Deadlines addendum…
some not-so-deadliney-yet-still-related action