Going to Pittsburgh
Melissa goes to Pittsburgh. Shenanigans ensue (hopefully!)
Aaaand we’re back
Despite contracting The Plague on the flight home, Melissa has decided to take Paperwork Tuesday to Monday for one week only, so as to avoid having to venture deep into the damp, dark basement…
Bride brooch mk IV. Actually, this time it’s morphed into a hideous bling pendant…
Bunker news: the last of The Sieve
Melissa now works from her basement in Seattle. She’s finishing off the Sieve series, if that means anything to you.
Joyaviva continues its journey
Joyaviva- A show featuring new collaborative works between Melissa and Jill Hermans amongst many others, has reached Sydney and opens soon (July 2012)
Part B goes to Sydney!
Part B goes to Sydney with Oh Opal!
Badges & Buttons, Waistcoasts & Vests
Melissa heads to San Francisco for an opening that includes her works at Velvet da Vinci gallery
SNAG Conference 2012
Melissa at the Society of North American Goldsmith’s conference in 2012.
statusless stateless
This is not my beautiful house? This is not my beautiful wife? How did I get here?