Deadlines June 2012
Damn! Melissa forgot to post her May deadlines post. At least some of them are still current this month…
The Year Was 2006
Shows in Sydney – Melissa’s in one!
SNAG Conference 2012
Melissa at the Society of North American Goldsmith’s conference in 2012.
The New MCA
The extension to the MCA in Sydney has finally been finished and the architect has been out spruiking the green credentials of the building. The architects have put into place many new green products and strategies, but the biggest saver is in the water bill, primarily because of their heat exchange system, which uses Sydney…
All over the shop
Melissa gets around. As does her jewellery.
Deadlines – April 2012
Deadlines – April 2012
Oh Opal!
Opals, in jewellery? What next!
Goings on
Heat Exchange. It’s a happening thing.
Upcoming exhibition
Melissa has her first solo show in Japan, and you’re invited!
Last look
Melissa’s latest solo exhibition closes this coming weekend in Sydney. Check it!