Deadlines September 2014
Coming up from behind – more deadlines!
Lock ’em in
A couple of dates for your diaries, not to mention for me and mine…
Writing about jewellery
Writing about jewellery is like… Communicating about communication.
Deadlines August 2014
Deadlines. More than you can poke a stick – or even a soldering pick – at!
Deadlines July 2014
Collected deadlines for jewellery artists for exhibitions, competitions, awards, print opportunities and so on…
Deadlines June 2014
Deadlines. For things. Jewellery related.
Deadlines May 2014
Deadlines April 2014
Hmm, does anybody have the time? Whoa, well, better late than never, right?? If you’re keen on more recent CaFE entries I encourage you to see what is being offered by checking out their site and even signing up for the email updates. Are you in The Britain? Sign up to the benchpeg newsletter, whydoncha?…
Deadlines Update
As is my wont, I’ve just updated the March deadlines with a couple of juicy call-outs. You can check it out in post that’s from the main blog stream or in the dedicated Deadlines section. I’m not going to curtail your creativity – you choose 😉 xx
Call for papers
Call for papers for c+de#7 2015 is now open. (c+de#7 = craft and design enquiry, issue 7)