It’s been an overly warm day. The kind of day that one does not bound out of bed with unbridled enthusiasm for working in an under-air conditioned studio. A day in which it would be imprudent to start up the kiln in said studio, set it to 840°c, wait for it to get to temperature, then stand next to it for a couple of hours feeding its fire-breathing, gaping maw with shards of sheet steel, one by one.
In attempting to heat-colour these sand-blasted pieces of stainless to a lovely light-blue hue, a blue that I have managed to acquire by torch heating on previous occasions, I overheated one piece. It didn’t melt (like you were expecting me to say at this point), it just went a dark grey. As it was the last piece to be heated for the day, that’s the way it stayed. Overheated grey.