Here we go…
The Value Chains JMGA online conference begins tomorrow evening (AEST) with Simon Cottrell, the co-chair of the original and postponed conference, and includes Roseanne Bartley, Claire McArdle, Julia Wild, Jonathan Zalakos and Joanna Zellmer. This is followed by matt lambert with “Other People’s Business: What makes a material new and what does it mean to use a material from someone else’s value chain?” In their talk matt will invite individual presentations by Kelly Macdonald, Victoria Mcintosh, Zoe Brand with a panel discussion chaired by matt. Can’t wait to see them, they’ve moved country to pursue their PhD since we last met face-to-face!
what a way to kick off, no?
Successive weeks and months will see a host of other jewellers from all over, obviously predominantly from Aus/NZ, gracing our screens. Representing WA on the 21st of September will be Sarah Elson and I, speaking about our new works on display (by then) as a part of IOTA21. Tickets for the whole series are available now and the lineup is listed at the Garland website. I am told that the Airmeet platform will be able to replay sessions on demand.
Speaking of IOTA21 and September…
I will be part of a panel at the IOTA21 Futuring Craft Conference. “Gestures of Welcome; exploring jewellery as a gesture of welcome in response to Australian immigration policy” is conveyned by Belinda Newick, and includes on the panel contemporary jewellers; Mel Young (NSW), Lauren Simeoni (SA), Vicki Mason (VIC), Melissa Cameron (WA); CEO of Museum of Freedom and Tolerance, Shaheen Hughes (WA) and another speaker TBC.
FYI – the conference runs in Fremantle and Bentley to take in both IOTA venues, so on Friday the 17th it’s at the WA Maritime Museum in Fremantle, while on Sat it’s at at Curtin University. We’ll be speaking Saturday, 18 September 12:00 pm – 12:55 pm, Room 201 BLDG 501 – Education Building. Tickets here, more info (oh yeah, and there’s a fashion show at Boola Bardip on Sunday too!) at the link above!
You’ll have hopefully seen about town that the Fremantle Arts Centre opening of IOTA21 will be on Friday the 17th, (conference day 1), and I have it on good authority that the John Curtin Gallery (JCG) opening will be happening the week before. I also have penciled in for the JCG opening weekend a Sunday artists and curators talk at the Gallery, on the 12th of September. (That’s still subject to final confirmation, so keep that one on the down low for now, ok?)
And in case you haven’t heard enough from me…
Connexions is finally going to have its grand peacock moment, when the now-expanded exhibition debuts at Gallery Central at Northwest Metropolitan Tafe on Thursday the 30th of September, from 5:30pm. For the opening night we are excited to have secured Australian jewellery luminary Katherine Kalaf to kick of proceedings. Following on from that, we have our artist talk in the gallery on Saturday the 2nd of October at 12pm (hopefully including a zoom component – stay tuned for further details). Further dates and times for the show at the IOTA21 website.
And once I’m done with all that I’ll be taking a vow of silence!