… is this thing on?

If you’re in touch with the complaints department, please tell them this year is going too fast, and explain that I’ve been a little more on the d/l of late due to illness/injury, and I’d like both of these conditions rectified asap. OK?

In more interesting news, I can heartily recommend an article from the AJF website with the new AJF Young award winner, Bryan Parnham. Touching Base with Bryan Parnham.

He makes a few good points. Among them: how do we end up indoctrinated into protecting our little un-fortified pavilion inside the greater art/craft world, when we could be the eco-shuttle that traverses into all corners of that body? And the eternal – are we still “teachers teaching artists to become teachers”?

AND he makes fabulous work, eminently wearable. Those are a pair of his earrings that I own – I couldn’t choose between the concrete block and the tyre, so went with the ever-eloquent “Porque no los dos?”

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