IOTA Conference

IOTA Conference Signup

At next week’s IOTA:24 conference I will be doing something different on each of the main days – 2, 3 and 4:

Day 2 Pecha Kucha
6 Australian IOTA alumni artists speak for 6 minutes with 6 slides about their work.
Moderator: Carola Akindele-Obe

Day 3 Drop-in Workshop: With Melissa Cameron

rapidyclosingwindow #6

Participants in this workshop will collaboratively create a large-scale artwork from recycled materials.
Encoding a binary message about the urgent need for a sustainable future.

Day 4 Moderating the session: Baubles, bangles and beads with:

Sharing: craft, skill, design and art
Marian Hosking / Australia

Memento Mori Adorned: Aesthetics Death
Supavee Sirinkraporn and Khajornsak Nakpan / Thailand

Contemporary Body Ornament in a Global South Asian Context
Anvita Jain / Germany **

It is going to be jam packed, but is also carefully curated with afternoons free for people to hang about with the workshops (hint hint!) or see the local IOTA:24 exhibitions all around the city.

Check out the programme here for all the other fabulous presenters, exhibitions and workshops, including jewellers Dr. Bic Tieu and Tineke Van der Eeken elsewhere in the programme!