Critiquing criticism
Melissa seeks the skinny on criticism via a panel discussion at The Wheeler Centre.
using your digits
Melissa discusses handiwork – particularly hers that has now appeared on the Ponoko Blog.
copper colours
Melissa colours copper, and colours other metals copper too…
ever have one of those days?
Melissa had a a hell of a day at the bench. If hell is a bunch of niggling issues that just won’t stop cropping up…
Melissa meets the other 32 finalists in the NCJA.
this month’s paperwork…
Melissa sets her sights on some more competitions.
rapid? prototyping…
Melissa wonders aloud if there is really much ‘rapid’ in rapid prototyping…
Melissa goes back to school to play with computers. And wax printing!
everyone’s a critic
Melissa gets critical.
the ‘box project’ work chugs ahead…
Melissa cut plastic, a lot of it. But it really resembles nail clippings…